Pre-Approval: Easy as 1,2,3
Can I be honest with you for a second? The mortgage process can be scary. There, I said it. Especially if you’re never done it before (and even if you have, and know all the ins and outs, it’s still not “fun”). But I have good news! The mortgage process pre-approval isn’t as frightening as you might think. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.
What about you? Does the mortgage process scare you?
If you kinda shook your head yes and silently agreed in your head, you’re in good company and you’re definitely not alone. A lot of buyers find the mortgage process complicated, overwhelming, and downright stressful. Which yes, it can be all of those things. But it doesn’t have to be. Teaming with LOCAL experts in both the real estate and the mortgage process is the key to your salvation (and sanity).
- Speak to a mortgage lender to determine your goals and time. The best part? It doesn’t cost you anything. Getting pre-approved is free, and you’re not locked into anything with a lender. In fact, you can go to multiple lenders and see what kind of deals on rates they can offer without spending a thing (or taking multiple credit pull hits)!
- Fill out an online loan app and provide required documents. You’ll be able to see how much of a mortgage you can afford when you get pre-approved. From there, you can take that information and use it to decide how much you want to spend on a house while keeping your future investments in mind.
- Determine your home buying budget after getting your pre-approval. When you get pre-approved, your lender will show you several different loan options that may work for you. You can take that information and find out which loan is the right fit for you.
When you break the mortgage process down into steps, you’ll see that it’s not actually so bad. It’s a matter of finding a lender that you like, are comfortable with, and then just sending them your information. I like to call this the ripping off the Band-Aid approach. From there, your lender will take care of the rest (see, not so bad) while you work with your real estate agent to find the place you’re going to call ‘home’.
Like anything, it takes a village and you need a solid team backing you. If you’re thinking of taking the next steps to find a lender to start your mortgage process pre-approval I have personally worked with some amazing lenders in our area and I’d be happy to make a quick introduction. Want their contact info? Just send me a message.